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The 2024 Agenda is here! See what's in store for 2024 below. 

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Registration & Welcome Breakfast Sponsored by SunCoke Energy
Welcome Breakfast
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Opening Remarks
Session I: Metallurgical Coal, Coke and Steel Market Dynamics and Global Expectations
Outlook for Coke and Met Coal Markets
Met Coal Market Overview in an Evolving Global Steel Industry
The landscape for supply and consumption of metallurgical coal and coke is set to continue evolving in the years to come as steel is subject to carbon-accounting in Europe, while in Asia and other parts of the world, blast furnace steel production is set to expand to meet rising consumer demand. This paper will examine recent market trends and provide an outlook on the challenges and opportunities for that may be in store for producers and consumers of steel feedstocks.
Greg Holt | Senior Editor, Ferrous Metals, S&P Global
Speaker Q&A
Networking Break Sponsored by Three Rivers
Session II: Operations
North American Steel and Coke Supply
What does the future look like for steel and metallurgical coke supply/demand in North America?  Will the transition to “green steel” and EAF production live up to its hype?  How will the flow of steelmaking raw materials be impacted?  And what role will imports play in a tariff-friendly environment?  
Michael Nobis | Director of Met Coal Procurement and Coke Sales , DTE Vantage
Principal Federal Environmental Rules and Rulemakings Facing the U.S COke Industry In 2024 and Beyond
In the early 1990s, U.S. coke producers played a key role in negotiations on Capitol Hill and, subsequently, with EPA, environmentalists and other stakeholders that led to the widely heralded Coke Oven National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) promulgated by EPA in 1993 under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA).  This presentation will focus on the principal Clean Air Act and other Federal environmental rules and rulemakings that U.S. coke producers are facing in 2024 and beyond - including (1) one final rule newly issued by EPA in July 2024 following a nine-year rulemaking effort that arose out of both the 1993 Coke Oven NESHAPs and a 2003 NESHAP for Pushing, Quenching and Battery Stacks, as well as (2) a new rulemaking for co-located coke oven by-product recovery (chemical) plants that EPA just launched in September 2024 - and the steps the industry is taking to address them
David C. Ailor, P.E. | President, American Coke and Coal Chemicals Institute
Mike Nobis, Director of Met Coal Procurement and Coke Sales, DTE Energy
David Ailor President, American Coke and Coal Chemicals Institute
Networking Lunch Sponsored by DMT
Session III: Industry Innovation
Update on the Development of New Ceramic Welding Powders
Presentation To Be Confirmed
Abstract to come. 
Networking Break sponsored by Carbon Partners
Speaker Panel
Abstract to come
Networking Reception Sponsored by Xcoal
Registration & Networking Breakfast
Registration Open
Opening Remarks
Session IV: Evolving Coke Market and Decarbonization
Carbon Capture and Hydrogen
We’ll look at the latest developments in Carbon Capture and Hydrogen generation and how it applies to the MetCoke industry.  
Focusing on B&W’s decarbonization technologies SolveBright CO2 Capture, OxyBright Oxy-Firing, and BrightLoop Hydrogen production.
Nathan Hyrne | Director of ClimateBright, Babcock & Wilcox
Evolving Coking Coal Market Dynamics
Examining the evolving dynamics of the global metallurgical coal market amid geopolitical shifts and the transition to green steel
Assessing the implications of new met coke supply sources from regions like Indonesia and Colombia on trade dynamics and operational optimization for mills
Delving into niche markets such as anthracite and nut coke, alongside an analysis of the competitive landscape amidst dwindling project pipelines

Speaker TBD McCloskey by OPIS, a Dow Jones Company
The Role of Biocarbon in Decarbonizing the Steel Industry
No need for capital expenditure (capex) with biocarbon utilization.
Utilization of Ecoke briquetting technology to effectively integrate biocarbon into industrial processes.
Comprehensive coverage of biocarbon legality, certification, and sourcing regions.
Jason Sutton | CEO, Ecoke
Environmental Solutions for Coke Oven Plants
In view of the more stringent environmental regulations worldwide, the cokemaking facilities are in continuous challenge for what concerns emissions. As technological provider for the steel industry, SMS group has developed through its more than 150 years of experience technologies for mitigating emissions in the steel production chain. For cokemaking facilities, technologies such as Sopreco® valves, self-sealing doors, pushing emission control system on both pusher machine and coke transfer car, door and frame cleaners, smokeless charging system and respiration system for tanks and vessels are some of the features which serve on this purpose and will be described in the presentation.
Thiago de Oliveria Mazzeu | Sales Engineer, Business Development & Sales Coke & Iron, SMS Group
Speaker Q&A Decarbonization in Action: A Look at Industry Efforts Toward Reducing Carbon Emissions
Panel: Future of Coal Sector Finacing